
Become a Knight or Lady in the Order of Ren

For a donation to the Order you can become a lifetime member and put your name on the Official Roster. Become a Knight or Lady of the Order of Ren. Knights must be 21 or older to apply. 14 to 20 year olds may apply to become a Squire until they turn 21. All titles are honorary. All donations are non-deductible. For entertainment purposes only. Mastery of the Force is not required. Members have the right to claim an optional Ren surname as well. This order is in no way affiliated with Star Wars or its affiliates. Grandmaster, Sir Raymond E Nichols, Lord Knight of the First Order, Order of Ren. Send donations to Specify product desired and contact info. Page of the Order of Ren $25 donation. Must be under 14 years of age. Squire of the Order of Ren $50 donation. Must be under 21. Lady of the Order of Ren $100 donation Dame of the Order of Ren $500 donation. Man in Arms of the Order of Ren $75 donation. Knight in Arms of the Fourth Order $100 donat